Sunday, 19 January 2014

Post 4: Learning to Love Literacy

            I am about to admit something that might offend many, if not most educators.  I hate reading.  There, I said it. I am not proud of this by any means.  Looking back on my grade school years, I believe that my struggles with reading likely stemmed from environmental, educational, and motivational issues.  First, I did not grow up with parents who read to me regularly at an early age.  Second, I freaked out on timed reading assessments; the anxiety I felt going into the test alone was enough to thwart what little chances I had to concentrate on, and comprehend the material that I was able to cover.  And third, I cannot remember one novel that I read in school, that I really liked or was interested in, or even finished for that matter.  It was not until my undergraduate studies that I started to really develop my own reading strategies.  And when I took a graduate course to administer Level B educational assessments, I realized that my dislike for reading might also be attributed circuit difficulties.  Does this sound familiar to you, or someone that you know?
            The resources in this fourth module have allowed me to not only reflect on my struggles as a reader, but to get reacquainted with the whole concept of literacy, capture some ways in which I may continue to help myself and others, and explore some innovative technologies to support the development of literacy skills.  The culture of literacy in the 21st century has come to include a wide range of abilities and competencies such as (a) traditional, (b) informational, (c) visual, (d) critical, (e)media, (f) tool, and (g) digital literacies.  Traditional literacy typically involves reading, viewing, speaking, listening, presenting, and writing skills.
            During my graduate studies, I came across this great online resource for students, parents, and teachers.  It offers “try it yourself” simulations for difficulties associated with attention, reading, writing, and math, in addition to understanding these basics and exploring remedial strategies.  I used this website in my learning strategies class (in part) to help students identify areas of literary need, and apply individualized strategies.  It was a very helpful resource for all of us.
            Recommendations from this site prompted me to look into assistive technologies that could also help students become better readers and writers.  While we used Read & Write Gold in our high school, Kurzweil is another literacy software program that serves as a talking reader, word processor, translator, highlighter, and spellchecker for students. 
            We also purchased a reading pen for our students to try; it is a hand-held tool that scans text, and provides similar features to that of the software noted above.  The students felt that some features like dictionary and translator were helpful for secondary students, but that the pen’s reading speed would be better suited for beginning readers. 
            With the popularity of Smart phones, my students also explored free apps like Dragon Dictation to record, transpose, and edit oral response to text for written assignments.  This has allowed students to get their thoughts down orally, upload them into Microsoft Word, and then organize, complete, and edit their oral writing (per se) into a final typed submission. Retail apps like Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide 1 can also help teachers enhance their reading and writing lessons.  This app can be used to guide instruction and assess learning for students of all reading and writing levels.

            The innovations described above are just a handful of the technologies available to help teachers help students, learn how to read and write better.  They engage students through relevant digital tasks, and they provide formative feedback in real-time for students to self-correct effectively and efficiently. These tools also provide a safe medium for students to maximize their strengths and develop areas of weakness in literacy.  As I lifelong reader I continue to forge through volumes of text and online material at this level of academia with commitment, challenge, and a new-found appreciation for reading and writing.  I hope that other educators will explore all means possible to help their students develop a love for literacy sooner, rather than later.

Apple Inc. (2013a). Dragon dictation. Retrieved from
Apple Inc. (2013b). Fountas and Pinnell prompting guide 1. Retrieved from
Balanced Literacy (n.d.). In wikispaces classroom. Retrieved January 18, 2014, from
Cambium Learning (n.d.).Kurzweil Education Systems. Retrieved January 19, 2014, from
Churchill, D. (2009). New literacy in the Web 2.0 world. Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Reading and the brain. Baltimore, MD: Author. 
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). (2013, February). The NCTE definition of 21st century literacies. Retrieved from
PCI Education (n.d.). Reading pens for special education. Retrieved January 19, 2014, from
Texthelp Ltd.  (2014). Read & Write. Retrieved from
WGBH Educational Foundation. (2002). Misunderstood minds. Retrieved from

Monday, 6 January 2014

Post 3: Who Gives a Tweet?

     Twitter is a platform where users can share their thoughts, news, information and jokes in 140 characters of text or less.  One can create a handle, decide who to follow, tweet a hashtag, respond to (or retweet) the tweets of others, mention someone in a thread, or direct message that person.  When I first heard about this concept, my initial response was “Who gives a tweet?” I mean, do I really care if someone is shopping for groceries, going out to a movie with friends, crushing on so-and-so, or posing random jokes or judgments about others? I can barely respond to e-mail, Facebook, and texting, so would this be just one more piece of technology that I would not have time to keep up with?

        After attending a technology seminar hosted by my school district last year, I realized that Twitter has potential merits in education.  From a professional development consideration, I could follow other educators to find out what they are learning about, implementing, and researching.  I could also receive updates about topics that I am interested in, or chime in to live seminars that I might not be able to attend.  Overall, Twitter may support brief reflections regarding all things learning and teaching.

     From a learning standpoint, Twitter can benefit students and teachers in the classroom.  Students may profit from “enhanced learning through the use of critical reflections, privacy settings, prompt responses, and writing without restraint due to the anonymity of the evaluation."  In fact, the use of Twitter in a middle school science class has been shown to increase student achievement on standardized tests.

     From a teaching point of view, Twitter has formative assessment applications; individual tweets can be collected to gauge student progress and themes from twitter feeds can inform instructional practice .  It can be used during instruction for live discussion feeds, or after instruction to pose inquisitive chirps to personal learning networks.  This little birdie (per se) supports collaborative creative writing purposes, and connects people from other nests around the world with similar interests.  

In addition to supplementing traditional forms of teaching, Twitter can also dispatch important information to parents, students, teachers and administrators in a timely manner, and help to develop a common language around instructional topics or concerns without ruffling too many feathers.

     While the benefits noted above could help teachers and students soar, it could also get them into trouble if those parties involved do not fly in proper formation.  Appropriate digital citizenship must be modeled and exercised by everyone. However, the greater good should travel further, faster, and experience deeper learning opportunities from having formed these types of academic and personal connections via Twitter. There are a number of reasons why stakeholders in education should consider the not only the eggsellent benefits of Twitter in particular, but social media in general, in that: (a) it builds relationships, (b) it's about customers, (c) they're already talking, (d) listen as well as share, (e) you'll be well received, (f) it builds community, and (g) it's here to stay. 

          Even though I am in the chickadee stage of using Twitter myself, feel free to follow me @libbyandme.  For those of you who haven’t had a chance to check out this baby blue bird and all its terms, you should.  
In the meantime, perhaps a perfect parakeet might shake your intellectual tail feathers instead :).

Cashmore, P. (2008). Twitterspeak: 66 Twitter terms. Retrieved from
Chen, L. (2012). Trainees’ perceptions on using microblog to support formative evaluation: A Q-methodology study. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 4(3), 235-246.
Kuehn, L. (2012). Getting into trouble on Facebook. Our Schools / Ourselves, 21(2), 83-88.
Lu, A. (2011). Twitter seen evolving into professional-development tool. Education Week, 30(36), 20.
Matteson, A. (2010). Tweacher (n): The Twitter enhance teacher. School Library Monthly, 27(1), 22-23.
McArthur, J. A., & Bostedo-Conway, K. (2012). Exploring the relationship between student-instructor interaction on Twitter and student perceptions of teacher behaviors. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 24(3), 286-292.
Mercer, A. (2011). Learning takes flight with Twitter. Canadian Music Educator / Musicien Eucateur Au Canada, 53(1), 35.
Messner, K. (2009, December). Pleased to tweet you; making a case for Twitter in the classroom. School Library Journal, 44-47.
Perfect Polly Pet (2013, March 28). Official as-seen on TV commercial.  Retrieved on January 5, 2014, from
Siemans, G. (n.d.). Description of connectivism [blog]. Retrieved December 31, 2013, from
Smith, B. (2012). The beginner’s guide to Twitter. Retrieved from
VanVooren, C, & Bess, C. (2013). Teacher tweets improve achievement for eighth grade science students. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, 11(1), 33-36.
Williamson, R., & Education Partnerships, I. (2012). Social media for school communication: Research into practice. Education Partnerships, Inc.
Wright, N. (2010). Microblogging for reflection: Developing teaching knowledge through Twitter. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning, 419-424.